Copyright People’s Pharmacy
Q: When I get out of the sauna, my blood pressure is lower. It also runs lower in the summertime. Perhaps the vasodilation due to heat is beneficial over the long term, but I am not sure if there are any studies. Do you know of any?
A: A recent review by Australian scientists concludes that heat therapy helps lower blood pressure and improves blood vessel dilation (Experimental Physiology, June 2021). The authors note that people with a lifelong sauna habit are at lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Another review reports that sauna bathing reduces cardiometabolic disorders and recommends the practice for people in high-stress occupations such as first responders (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jan. 27, 2021). A sauna session also improves blood flow for people with stable coronary artery disease (Canadian Journal of Cardiology, March 2021).