Q: I use almonds to stop heartburn. After years of being on Prilosec and thinking there was no way off it, I took the plunge and stopped. I keep almonds with me wherever I go.
At home I also drink aloe vera juice and take licorice root pills (DGL). Every once in a while, I have to take a Zantac, but not often.
A: Scientists writing in the World Journal of Gastroenterology (March 14, 2011) characterize almonds as a traditional heartburn remedy in Israel. We haven’t seen any studies on whether eating a few almonds actually helps heartburn, but scores of readers attest that it does. An extract of licorice has been shown to ease indigestion (Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2012). DGL is a safer version of licorice because the glycyrrhizin that can raise blood pressure has been removed.
- article by Joe and Teresa Graedon
- copyright The Seattle Times