As we get closer to the holidays, the cold, dark days of November days remind us of how great it is to be inside during our rainy autumn. Even though the days may be dark, it’s still a great idea to get outside even for a few moments since seasonal affective disorder is so prevalent and usually begins around this time of year. Symptoms are sluggishness, fatigue, sad thoughts, and lack of motivation with moodiness. When activity decreases, especially because the weather is rainy and cold, it doesn’t help our energy or feelings of being alone. One of the therapies used to combat seasonal affective disorder is exercise and light therapy with bright light to replace the lack of sunlight that happens during the winter. The two forms of therapy work well in combination because they use the body’s own systems to combat the lethargy and feelings of being alone that come with the dark weather.
Although Seattle is known for its rainy days, the dark weather takes its toll and it can be a serious issue. If you know that you are susceptible to seasonal affective disorder, put together a plan before you start feeling its down effects. Plan to workout with a buddy so that you are accountable for getting out and about. This will not only help motivate you, but help you stay connected. Buy a “happy light” and start keeping it lit during the day. Don’t allow this autumn and winter to get you down, and start planning your rescue methods so that you can survive the holiday stress without the added feelings of being down and depressed.